How do you view the sun? Not literally, of course, but figuratively. Do you view sunlight in a positive or
negative light (pun intended)? Often, when hearing the words sun exposure, some
think about it negatively in terms of their health and wellness. Some try and
avoid sunlight to prevent potential health risks, but one widely overlooked
fact, is that humans need to absorb
sunlight and metabolize it, just like plants need it to grow and thrive. Now,
just like with most things, sun exposure is great in moderation. The health risks associated with sun exposure are
very real and should be taken seriously. However, that doesn’t mean that
sunlight isn’t also beneficial in healthy, moderate doses and with the right
precaution. Some scientists even say with moderate sun exposure, the benefits
outweigh the risks. With Spring having just arrived, and the sun shining
longer, it’s important to talk about how beneficial it is to absorb that
The relationship between humans and sunlight
is not as forthcoming as one would hope. There are many different factors to
consider such as, skin tone, genetic composition, even the climate you live in
– but let’s not get into all that nitty gritty. If you’re concerned, or
interested in that, I encourage you to talk to your doctor about your specific,
individual needs. Onto the good stuff – I’ve laid out a few of the more
significant benefits of basking in the sun’s rays.
Sun exposure heightens cognitive function.
When we’re absorbing the sun, we’re not just getting a tan, we’re absorbing and
metabolizing one of the most important Vitamins we need to be at our healthiest
- Vitamin D. Recently, scientists have
linked the presence and need of vitamin D in hour brains. One study
performed by neuroscientist David Llewellyn at University of Cambridge linked the
levels of vitamin D to the cognitive function of 1700 men and women. They found
that low levels of vitamin D lead to reduced cognition. There was also evidence
that vitamin D increased growth of nerve cells around the area of the brain
associated with memory.
Sun exposure lowers hypertension.
Unfortunately, high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a disorder that many of our society suffer from. There are many ways known to help lower blood
pressure such as diet, exercise and even seeing a chiropractor. But one commonly
unknown fact, is that sunlight also helps to regulate blood pressure. A study out of the University of Edinburgh found that the
moment your skin is exposed to sunlight, a compound called nitric oxide is released into your bloodstream that helps to reduce
the pressure in your arteries. Think about it – by decreasing your blood
pressure you are essentially prolonging your life by decreasing the chance of
heart disease and strokes.
Sun exposure strengthens your bones.
The vitamin D we absorb from the sun plays a major role in the body’s ability
to absorb bone strengthening minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. As a
child, if we don’t have enough vitamin D in our system, a disorder known as Rickets can occur which is a bone
softening disorder. Rickets’ counterpart in adults, is known as osteoporosis
and osteomalacia. By just being out in the sun for twenty to thirty minutes, we
can greatly reduce these risks and keep our skeletal system – our foundation,
strong and sturdy.
Sun exposure can help with depression.
Right off the bat we know that lack of sun exposure to the body can lead to a
form of depression called Seasonal
Affective Disorder (SAD). This is far more common during the winter months,
which consist of shorter days and more cloud cover, and is also seen in those
that work long hours and are void of sunlight. Sun exposure isn’t just
beneficial for those with SAD, but helps non-seasonal depression, as well. When
sunlight travels through our eyes and hits specific areas of the retina, it
results in a release of Serotonin,
which is a natural anti-depressant produced by the body that can effectively
lift our mood.
Sun exposure can help with various skin
conditions. The World Health
Organization (WHO), has stated that exposure to the suns’ rays can help
certain skin conditions. For many, doctors have been recommending UV radiation for
skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and even acne. Although these
benefits are shown to help certain cases, WHO also notes that it’s on a case by
case basis and not beneficial to everyone.
If you think you may be a candidate for this type of treatment, I urge
you to speak to a dermatologist to make the appropriate decision based on the
risks and benefits for you, specifically.
what is considered moderate sun
exposure? The general rule of thumb, is approximately 15-20 minutes of sun on
the face, arms and hands, about three times per week to receive the healthy
benefits of sun exposure. Since there
are risks associated with excessive sun exposure, it’s important to protect
your skin if you’re going to be in the sun far more than what is considered
moderate. So, if the cooler is packed and you’re hitting the beach for the day
– pack the sunscreen. No matter how tan you already are, or how under-exposed
you are, and are trying to make up for lost time…pack the sunscreen. Trust me.
Excessive sun exposure is the leading cause of skin cancer – don’t put yourself
at risk if you can take preventative measures. Bottom line – in moderation, and
with the right protection, sun exposure can be extremely beneficial, both
mentally and physically.
This is only a
short list of the benefits medical professionals have linked to sun exposure
and vitamin D. To reap the benefits of sun exposure, the skin must be able to
absorb it, which is prevented by wearing sunscreen. Therefore, it’s so
important to allow yourself that moderate sun exposure, while still taking the
appropriate precautions. Remember, the amount of vitamin D produced and
absorbed depends upon your location, skin color, and genes. So, get outside! Enjoy the sunlight, soak it
up, and be safe!